How We Cure
Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease and can increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
Those who received hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis. Lets to reprogram your subconscious beliefs system and break the spell
This option is for those who want to quit smoking or smoke less frequently (under 5 cigarettes a day), and/or have been smoking for a less amount of time.
Hypnotherapy FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind; people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room at any moment. Unless you enter a deeper state, you may not seem any different, just very relaxed.
Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is.
If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Hypnosis is a natural altered trance state of consciousness characterized by high focus, heightened suggestibility, and strong visualization. everyone can hypnotize because all human mind goes in and out of hypnosis every day, remember the last time that you watched a great movie and your feelings get changed mentally and physically by just absorbed in a movie or when you are driving and suddenly realized that you were so immersed in a certain thought and wondered what’s happening in last several minutes, in both cases, you have been in a state of hypnosis. And now we can use hypnosis as a powerful therapeutic tool to help you.
Hypnotherapy is the key to accessing the power of the subconscious mind to create new perceptions and behaviors. This allows for neural pathways to change without any pain, suffering or side effects!
Two most important part of the mind is conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is about reason, logic, and will power and has only 12% of our mind power while the subconscious mind has 88% of our mind power and controlling all human behavior based on past known learning. In hypnotherapy sessions, we could have access to the subconscious to replace new healthy behavior suggestion instead of old ones.
hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. The person’s attention is so focused while in this state that anything going on around the person is temporarily blocked out or ignored. In this naturally occurring state, a person may focus his or her attention with the help of a trained therapist on specific thoughts or tasks.
You do have always the control of the process and what you share. What you decide to share will be no different in hypnosis than out of hypnosis. Your subconscious mind knows what is appropriate for you to share publicly.
By Hypnosis, you will be physically relaxed and emotionally calm, the brain waves will change to the lower frequency and you will reach the learning state of the mind which means you will be so focused and hyper suggestible. With therapeutic hypnosis, doors will be open to your subconscious and the new positive suggestion will be effected your behavior system instantly.
Are You Ready
To Transform
Your Life?
How Much Does It Cost?
Many people stop after 1 session.
If not, 2 additional sessions are included.
The number of additional sessions may be determined by the amount of weight a person needs to lose.
Ideal for regaining self-control and achieving goals. The number of additional sessions may be determined by the amount of stress a person needs to reduce.